Monday, March 30, 2009

Mirtazapine And Temporal Arteritis

where it emphasizes: MAS, TU, EL, MI, ETC.

Mayris, which has a very interesting blog called "Things and words" (click here if you want to visit) asked about the accentuation of the words: more, more , alone, alone, etc.

The orthographic accent, depending on their function, is classified as diacritics and strong stress.

What concerns the question Mayrita diacritic accent, this word is used when a dual role played by grammatical especially syllable, ie the accent is used to differentiate other words that are written and pronounced alike but have different meanings. See examples:


is accentuated when the personal pronoun: "They gave me this book puts
accent when not using it as a possessive adjective:" This is my book "


emphasis is placed when you use it as a personal pronoun: "You are the best player in Mexico" has no accent

if we use it as a possessive adjective: "Your shirt is missing a button


is emphasized when we use it as a personal pronoun: "He told me many things"
accent is ignored when used as definite article: "The math test will be very difficult"

SE - It takes

accent when used as a verb, be, or know, "I know I'll pass the math test" "Be a good person"

accentuated when not used as a pronoun. "They stopped to eat on the road"

DE - GIVE He adds

accent when verb: "His friend reminded him that it gives"

When preposition has no accent: "The grass of home is growing very fast"


We emphasize, when we use it as an adverb affirmation and when it comes to personal pronoun of the third person: "Yes, I'll go with you", "always thinks of himself"

not enhanced when it is a conjunction (conditional or interrogative), or the refer to the musical note: "If you have enough money, buy it", "The song is harmonized in if"


means is accentuated when adverb of quantity: "I like the red blue guitar"

When but synonymous, ie when adversative conjunction, it gets worse: "What you say is fine, but I think you can do other things"


an accent when it comes to drinking: "Tea is served after the six"

emphasizes not when referring to the personal pronoun "You should do that?"

O - Ó

only increases when separate numbers, to avoid ambiguity with the number zero. "How many did you say you need, 4 or 5?"

There is also this kind of accent for polysyllabic (only, only, even, though, this, this, etc..), But we'll see in the next inning.

I'm glad you are interested in this spelling, and the questions, I do research and learn. Thanks.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Toilet Bowel Tablets Bad For Tank


Yesterday, at home, the family were talking about how to write today, so good until one of my brothers said: "I write because I am a fashion ...". I really wonder if writing with misspellings, abbreviations rare, no punctuation is it a fad?

time ago I read in Eder's blog [What we are], an entry regarding how to write on the Internet, referred to the language used in the metroFLOG and put some examples (if you want to read input from Eder : The language of metroFLOG, please click here ). For me, it is difficult to understand this kind of writing, and I think, in my very personal point of view, to write well is not a fad. I'm not saying it does not take errors of thumb, tend to happen often. But these days we find people who can write "box" with "g".

Moving on to what befalls us in this post:

  • Why , separate written statements only in interrogative or interrogative sentences that make sense. Examples:

Why you like snow lemon?
do not know why he was angry

  • Because together, the function of conjunction. Is written as one word and without orthographic accent. Examples:

I like it because
acid tastes are angry because they stole a cell phone.

  • Why, as one word and with an accent, it means reason, cause or motive. Can be easily identified because usually precedes a story. Examples:

Jaguars players already know the reason for this decision.
not want to know the whys of your attitude.
Give me a reason for your separation.

do not consider myself an expert on the subject, I'm in the process of learning the rules, nor do I judge people who do not write properly, they will never be. Hopefully that with these data we can learn to write better, to begin the commitment of a server as an administrator of this blog is that try to write my best, so I know the reason for these entries.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maybelline Color Chart Foundation

Punctuation (comma)

My friend Laura who, incidentally, has a very interesting blog called [ gray Painting ] asked about the use of commas, semicolons, periods, etc.

I'm no expert on this subject, but I researched in some books and manuals, is rather extensive, especially regarding the use of the comma, for this reason will divide it into several sections.

is good to know that a most important factor in good writing, is the score, because with this we give adequate breaks to separate an idea from another or to indicate the emphasis that we normally do when speaking, ie a poorly punctuated text can incomprehensible to the reader, so that the correct punctuation is a necessity in any kind of writing.

The punctuation marks are:


  • is a punctuation mark that separates grammatically equivalent members within the same sentence, ie: verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns or adverbs. When there is an enumeration, the last two words are joined by the conjunctions and, and, no, o, u.


    I like mango, apple, melon and watermelon.
    not want to do your homework, do not want to eat or leave the house.
    prefer to read, play with you or listen to music.

  • However, coma and conjunctions are not necessarily incompatible:

    - Used conjunction eat more when it comes to define and unite two series that appear together in the text. Examples: buy

    dishes glasses, and blankets, sheets and blankets.

    Series 1: elements of a "dish"
    Series 2: Elements of "bedding"

    Miguel knows Puerto Rico, Chile and Uruguay, and plan to go to Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.

    Series 1: Countries that "knows" Miguel.
    Series 2: countries' plans to go "to visit.

    - Place a comma before a conjunction when the sequence that expresses a content heading straight, time, etc., Other than the element or elements. Example:

    tested the pozole, went to Garibaldi, and were delighted.

    - When a conjunction is designed to bind an idea with all the previous proposition, not the last of its members. Example:

    tasted the cheese, cream and sausage, and left without paying.

  • Intercala different types of clauses, ie fragments containing additional information and therefore can be deleted without affecting the sequence of prayer.


    Mr. Abarca, as mentioned above, has been ill.
    Young, who traveled on the subway, they were late.
    Gabriela, frankly, a very nice person.

  • Separate sentences or short phrases.


    At ten o'clock every day, invariably, the man leaves his home, cell phone in hand.

    of very small, when his father sat on his knees, he worried to hear the beating of his heart, by the memory of infinite sadness.

  • coma also writes:

    - Before vocative, ie the word or words used to go directly to a person or to call someone. Examples:

    I'm talking about, John.
    Come away, Jose.

    - When the vocative goes through prayer. Examples:

    I'm very sorry, Thely, for your car.
    Tell me, Katie, when you get to Guanajuato.

    - After vocative. Examples:

    Laura, you call your sister.
    Mayra, thanks for dinner.

  • The comma separates following expressions: that is, that is, finally, finally, therefore, however, nevertheless, also in this case, therefore, in contrast, first and so on.


    Therefore, we are on the verge of bankruptcy.
    However, try to unite us.
    Anyway, what else I can say.

  • Typically, type comma before a conjunction or conjunctive phrase that connects the propositions of a compound sentence:

    - In coordinated statements introduced by the adversative conjunctions but, again, but, but. Examples:

    can use the car, but do not go on strike.
    There are too many pharmacies, but all away from here.

    - is prepended to use consecutive sentences: so, so, so. Examples:

    said you would buy me the shirt of Team America, so you can go and taking your savings.
    Today I will leave work early, so you'll stop by for a movie

    - In front of the logical and causal explanatory propositions. Examples:

    is high, because his dad is too.
    feel heat because the day has the fan on.

Important Notes:

- should not be placed comma between subject and verb, if there is no point:

Mayrita become an excellent mum.
Mayrita, if continues, will become an excellent mum.

- No comma should be placed between the verb and its supplements if they follow a linear order or if you do not see any point:

Pedro left notes to his companions.
Pedro left, as well You know, the notes to their classmates.

- should not be placed comma after the word but when it goes before an interrogative sentence:

But what is graphology?
I know it's too late, but could talk a bit longer?

- Commas can produce a special case of double interpretation to sentences that involve certain relative pronouns:

Students who had traveled by train
arrived late (only a group of students had traveled by train and these were those who arrived late, the other students used other means of transport and not be late)

The students, who had traveled by train, arrived late.
(All students had traveled by train and, therefore, all came later)

A misplaced comma or, worse, not placed, you can change the sense of what we write . Let these two examples and understand the need for using this punctuation mark:

-------------------------------- ------------

"The teacher says the inspector, is an ass"

"The teacher says the inspector is a donkey"


----------------------------------- A Emperor he went on to sign a statement which read:

"Pardon impossible, to serve his sentence."

Al monarch earned her magnanimity and, before signing it, move the decimal point site:

"Sorry, can not serve his sentence."

And so, a comma changed the fate of some unfortunate ... ---------------------------------------------

PD Surely there are more rules for the comma, I tried to summarize the most used, however, if any of you find something different, please attach it in a comment and I'll be adding to their respective reference.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Canadian Food Guide In French


Hi, I was surfing the net and found a very entertaining test in which we study handwriting in your signature.

But what is graphology?, According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is: ".. a projective technique and writing descriptive analysis to identify or describe an individual's personality and try to determine characteristics general character, about his mental stability (and even physiological), the nature of his emotions, his kind of intelligence and skills and, for some handwriting, used to diagnose the extent health or physical and mental illness. "

The purpose of this entry is not questioning the validity or invalidity of this technique is only for that, in an entertaining way, we have an approach to study handwriting of our signature. Da

click here to start the test.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Electronic Bingo Hall Boards

The first video of my baby / a

I present the first video of my baby / a, is an ultrasound performed on March 7, 2009, by Dr. Lucia Trinidad Sun

I want him in my arms. I love you Mayra!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Is The Best Outboard Motor For 2010

capture desktop screens

Alexis asked, how can you do to capture desktop screens or some program that we used, the steps below:

Before I should mention that there are some programs for this task, such as Corel Capture , included in the Corel Draw , among others. But we can also use the capture tool that allows us windows using the keyboard of our computer.

1 .- If you want to capture full screen, ie everything that appears in your monitor at some point you just have to press the Print Screen key :

English Keyboard: Keyboard


With this step, only stored in memory (clipboard) full screen all the elements that was showing it at the time of capture. In the figure below you can see a full screenshot.

paste How do I capture? You open the program where you want to paste your catch, whether Power Point, Word, Corel, etc., And using the program menu option to place the edit and paste or, from the keyboard You can use the Ctrl key and then press the V .

2 .- If you only want to capture one of the windows on the screen, just select that screen and press the Alt key and then press the Print Screen . As shown in the figure below:

Note .- You can also use design programs like photoshop, fireworks, photo paint and even the paint of windows allows you to crop the captured image, ie if want to capture the program menus, open the menu catch, stick to your program design, and cut only the menu, see figure below:
