Thursday, July 26, 2007

Eve Douches Yeast Infection

I begin this letter with a text I found that I should to lead to the macabre character: "His full name is Christian Federico von Wernich. Born in Concordia Entre Rios, in the heart of a powerful family. Consist of his past acts of anti-Semitism, celebrations of the coup of 1955 and the street gangs that have made during the fight for secular education or free, they beat down the city streets entrerriana munidas of mittens and strings. Got a priest in the early seventies, he played the young priest buddy, until he became a police chaplain and began visiting the clandestine detention centers. According to the testimony of witnesses, Von Wernich entered the cells as if it were a messenger of God or the Devil-indulgent, with a smile, ready to do their work efficiently Swiss watchmaker. Sometimes wore robes, others just priestly blue shirt or a vicuna poncho that covered her shoulders from the cold. Reached, usually after long, terrible, exhausting days of torture. Then, he approached those bodies scarred and humiliated to inflict the final torment possible: that of hope. With her trying to break the souls that the fierceness of the perpetrators had not succeeded. " 1
He fugitive for a long time in Chile, more precisely in the parish of Quisco, a village in South 15 km from Isla Negra, the place where our great Pablo Neruda. They went by the name Christian González. The priest gave his faithful ignorant a smile that hid behind dark secrets of horror and death. Nothing was heard of him until August 6, 2003, when he was arrested during a trial hearing for Truth. From that date until the present is behind bars. The priest is accused of involvement in seven murders and 41 cases of imprisonment and torture of people who were kidnapped in the Basque Since, COTI Martinez Pozo de Quilmes, Precinct 5 of La Plata and the Federal Bureau of Investigation of La Plata. Stirring
more about it, I was really surprised when I heard that this priest, "nazi" had some kind of "missions" not very "holy", which consisted of visiting the families of the disappeared to ask for money by promising that he would to do everything possible out of the country. Of course this was all a lie.
This does not end here ... Documents of the missing were used by their MURDERERS to escape to other countries. What Von Wernich told the press? That the missing had been killed by fellow victims abroad.
My goal today is not talking about the trial that is being committed against this person, but the shame that makes me know that people like him do not suffer and that convictions of a law DAMN Obedience and Punto Final, yet we doubt whether it can being caught and served his sentence, or ill will win again, and be free as always in our (yes, it is our) Argentina.
is why from my place just trying to expose this character, a monster who survived many years in darkness, so that together we can say BASTA.
people like this is enough to cure evil. Do not expect change to come from "above." Father Von Wernich Remember these names ... Elena de la Cuadra, Héctor Baratti, Juan Ramon Nazar, Luis Velasco, Héctor Ballent, Ramón Miralles, Sunday Moncalvillo, Cecilia Idiart, Jacobo Timerman, Osvaldo Papaleo among others. Some of them are unfortunately, but others are still fighting, demanding the truth. And that justice is on our side. Sole
1 book Quote: Damn you are -Von Wernich case - Church and illegal repression Hernán Brienza

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Japan Public Molestation

Eco Magazine FLIA participated in the PRE, a meeting prior to the FLIA which is an event that calls for writers, poets, photographers and all kinds of artists that are beyond the guidelines of the official culture. "

Through a friend of the magazine, a writer, Guillermo, we learned of the existence of this wonderful "FLIA" that stands for family, but it does have to do with the union and fraternity. In his words: "An independent book fair is a place where a lot of us who write or disseminate ideas can do so beyond the limitations that the system / market imposed on us. "
We found a place where the only important thing was to communicate what each one does, without censorship, without protocols, without the pressure of money. We arrived early, just a greeting and a few words to start getting into the world "Independent", they told us that we choose a stand and we are located. So we did, we prepared the mate and wait to see what would happen. Gradually, the show was populated by people who displayed their art, some very interesting things in common that they only had to be independent, saying "what they want." All done seriously, say what you want is not to say anything, you could see the effort and time working in their works.
And then, as in all places that the "right thing" does not apply, they put together a sort of party. There was an open microphone where artists, read their works: poetry, writings, rantings, etc.. There were guitars and music. Not many people attended, but the meeting served to the makers of culture on the other hand we know and join forces.
keep you informed of all the moves of the FLIA and will advise when making the 5th FLIA so they can go and see everything that was telling.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Is Carbon Fiber Rods Flexible?

begin by expressing my doxa with a statement: Democracy is dying but hide behind hypocritical mantle of "good health" that they present the mass media.

To support my words I'm going to be based on a practical example and recent elections for head of government in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Clarín entitled: "Of course opposition victory: Macri swept Capital", The Nation: "Double drop Kirchner: Macri won in the capital and in Tierra del Fuego, ARI", page 12: "Large capital triumph Macri, fever yellow. " In any covers of the three leading newspapers, indicate that "[the election result] represents not only the lowest rate of voters in all elections for head of government had so far, but also lower presidential election or to any legislation since the re-vote in 1983. "The above quotation comes from an article site Lavaca 1.

Contrast the "Macri swept capital" Clarín with the number of votes obtained Macri of 39.10%. But how, if at all sides said Macri won with 60% of the vote? Twister presentation data, in fact that 60% "overwhelming" is the percentage of votes obtained in the positive votes Macri (Ni missing or blank or contested, etc.) actually people who chose one or the other candidate was only 63% of all standard 2. Subtleties: Is the same as saying that Macri won with 60% (without clarifying that it is positive votes) said that Macri won with 39.10% of the total votes of the electoral roll? Obviously not, that the latter would say that democracy is in deep trouble, because if one feels represented 39% and 61% non-represented (the sum of those who voted Filmus, 24%, and those that did not vote, or voted blank, contested, and so on. , 37%) would be talking about something that goes against the principles of our political system or is not about doing what the majority wants? Is it "democratic" Macri comes to power with only 39% of the vote? Why newspapers say Argentinos Macri's victory was overwhelming? Leaving

numbers, what interests me is to show how democracy is being transformed into a game in which citizens increasingly participate less (we do not know, we are not interested, etc.) And politicians / businessmen decide (they fight) each other to see who gets the power, a power that emanates from the citizenship, but that seems not to claim citizenship.
What to do? My humble opinion is that the only option we have is the no-vote (not to vote, vote, white, etc.). massive 3 to democratically say that democracy is in very poor condition , and so once the conflict is raised, look for a way out. Remember, if you are not the problem can not see a solution ...
What do you think?
Damian Mercuri

1 official data are available on the following link:
3 On this latter view of no valid vote is clear that a statement is not capricious and has a reason and a justification. In a future article will delve on the subject.