Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lesbian Experience In Vegas


The CEC considered important to look once more on the benefits of the proposed agreement itself, and to analyze what some associations, federations and platforms, as well as certain law firms, are called "cons " giving real consideration to their naturalization papers when, they do not cease to be mere value judgments about the overall context of a situation is certainly complex, for all that surrounds AFINSA intervention, but by no means insurmountable.

I. The key advantages of the agreement are: A.

- It supplies 50% of investments made within a maximum of five years and the outcome of the complaint to state property, which in their case, their representatives properly submitted legal.

B. - Lets have:

• Of the total awarded philately and the client may in turn, sell or hold.

• Of the share allocated to the shares of the Company, commensurate with their investment-with the rights that entails.

A highlight, among others:

• The right to a proportionate share of the outcome of the complaint to state property that have made shareholders, made by Gomez de Liano Office, which is also compatible with who had made , where the clients themselves.

• Right to sell shares at any time.

• Right to receive dividends, vote at the meeting of shareholders of the company, etc.

For analysis of what third party is seen as disadvantages "insurmountable" and analyzing the situation objectively at all they are, have the following:

does not have an endorsement . Indeed. It was not possible, despite many efforts, due to the blockade and negative industry and regulatory agencies to support Afinsa, but the incorporation of a guarantee is not at all a hopeless condition for the implementation of Convention, as there was once an obstacle to the judge declared admissible.

currently Afinsa can only rely on their own and those delivered by shareholders.

• Feasibility Plan outdated : The raised areas are booming, but real estate can be in the future if the crisis is slashing the supply of operators which for 2010 will be reactivating the sector. In any case, these plans are logically updatable.

not have a sales network : Afinsa can hire the best professionals in the future market for a solid project, which may be former employees of the company or from the professional market that exists today.

The sale of stamp collecting is impossible - the image is Afinsa impaired -: In a global market and trade promotion strategy and appropriate (name change, institutional promotion relaunch, etc) can maximize the value of philately in a reasonable time.

The judge may oppose the Convention : The previous judge CONTENT AND AGREED TO THE CONVENTION ON YOUR DAY, AND ANY OF THE PARTIES OVER 300 PEOPLE appealed against that decision and, therefore, the content of the Convention is the sufficiently validated to the judge to consider its implementation once achieved 50% of adherence to it.

Afinsa Convention Commission. Afinsa Convention Commission

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saying For Someone Who Had Surgery

Press Release No. 9 No. 8.

The Commission is receiving repeated queries about certain aspects of the utmost importance to all customers who would like to clarify.

Some of the most common questions are:

P: why shareholders have not informed their customers of the existence of an agreement?

R: Immediately after commissioning of work by the AFINSA CONVENTION COMMISSION (CEC) to inform customers of the aspects related to the proposed agreement and the accession process should be After all, the CCA was warned by several presidents of white platforms, that its members would be reported to the Data Protection Agency about the possible use of personal information provided by the court.

this attitude clearly coercive, leaving no doubt as to the intentions of others against the CCA, the shareholders shall conduct consultations with the Data Protection Agency who reported that the databases of customers can only be used by the receivers.

After receiving this response, shareholders have requested in writing that the bankruptcy administration is making the communication of information relating to the Convention and how to join it in a personalized manner so that each client MAY Free to decide whether they adhere to that proposal for the Convention or, failing and failing to adhere to, opt for the liquidation of the Company. To view document, click on the link embedded in the blog, under the heading: "Writing to the court requesting that report on the Convention"

Q: Have
platforms properly informed their clients?

R: Most platforms have issued several statements, although not all have done by mail, thereby significantly limiting the scope of its communications to its members and leaving many of them unarmed and in total ignorance of the situation, in which detailed under purely subjective criteria, what are the disadvantages of this Convention, and even allow accession to discourage, though forgot to do something that we consider relevant: Explain what are the real disadvantages of the alternative of liquidation against the of a Convention.

Similarly, have avoided to make clear to their partners, on the assumption not approve the agreement, goes directly to the Settlement. No turning back.

Q: is lost with the accession to the Convention the right to claim the State Heritage?

at all. The CCA and reported that the Convention is it compatible with the claim Patrimonial State, citing the legal arguments contained in the document : "Legal Report on the Compatibility of Agreement with the State Heritage Claim" also inserted into the Blog in Section Documentation.

On the other hand, is by no means established that all lawyers have made such a claim and to those who claim to have done, know what it contains. Customers have the right to know whether they have made on behalf of these claims and if so, what is the content and exact terms thereof.

Convention Commission

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pokemon Imagen De Gidle

Statement No. 7.


Before the documentary information gap that many customers have and that prevents them to fill some of the fields that appear, both in the Act of Accession "Apud Acta "in the Commercial Court n º 6, Madrid, as in the document / record that can be legitimized by signing before a notary and then send by mail, we have carried out appropriate consultations before the Commercial Court and the response has been: " In the event that any of the fields be incomplete, most importantly, besides the signature, is that the Act be stapled to the top right a photocopy of the ID of creditor holds membership. That will be the document that will manage to collate all data relating to the creditor.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

100x100 Multiplcation

Statement No. 6.

inform all customers Afinsa that after consultations with several notaries, the Act of Accession for those unable to appear at the Commercial Court built in the Documents section of this blog is perfectly valid for the accessions to the Convention Afinsa be made by signing and standing at a cost ranging between 6 and 7 euros.

Moreover, the Secretary of Commercial Court has confirmed that the powers granted to D. José María Gil Robles are not valid for use on behalf of its members for membership of the Convention explicitly. That leaves

corroborated by the above that the accessions to the Convention to be made by standing Afinsa signature and individually.

If a Notary refuse to carry out the process of accession by that act, you should discard it immediately, look for another option and not access in any way, their claims to make membership by power of attorney which will cost significantly involved than legitimize a signature. CONVENTION COMMITTEE

AFINSA. Convention Commission Afinsa

Friday, July 3, 2009

Overdose Panadol Blue

Statement No. 5. Press

For its obvious interest to clients of Afinsa, the Commission makes available a document entitled: "Legal Report on the Compatibility of Agreement with the State Heritage Claim" , whose contents are believe will clear any doubts that, today, some continue to have prejudiced the matter.

(The contents of the document is in the left column of the blog, under "GENERAL INTEREST DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT AFINSA) Afinsa

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Waxing A Home Business

No. 4.

With our apologies for the delay in inserting the documents required for membership by mail (needed confirmation by the court procedure), we offer all customers AFINSA Bienes Tangibles, SA, the following: 1 .-

Document of Accession to the Convention Afinsa for all those unable to appear at the Commercial Court n º 6, Madrid.

2 .- How to complete and return the document to the court, by certified mail.

IMPORTANT: Deadline for receiving accessions: August 28

3 .- On the other hand, and taking into account the complexity of the Document of Agreement and Plan of Roads, the content is required to be aware of customers who want adherise to it, we bring you a summary of this document (See: Outline Convention Borrower paragraph DOCUMENTS OF INTEREST GENERAL CONCERNING THE ACCESSION TO THE CONVENTION PROPOSAL AFINSA). CONVENTION COMMITTEE

AFINSA. Convention Commission Afinsa New