Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Things Ato Write In A Wedding Card


For general information, we transfer the entire document Auto Settlement issued by the holder of the Commercial Court of Madrid No. 6, as well as an official document of BOE notice the opening of the liquidation process.

Afinsa Afinsa

Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Make Your Own Room On Poptropica

Family Creative Workshop Jobs

This is the last entry on the cycle of Family Education Class, Culture and Society. Here you will find a creative work that synthesizes the research conducted by students of Sections 1 and 3 of the course.

Authors: Camila De la Mare, Daniela Mardones, Martina Prado, Valentina San Martin, Carolina Road

Authors: Carolina Allende, Catalina Fuenzalida, Yen Tran, Soledad Sanchez, Teresita Morere

3. Alcoholics (Document)
Authors: Nicolas Acencio, Mariana Diaz, Cesar Fuentes, Sebastian Guevara, Maricarmen Lopez, Monica Valenzuela

4. Orphans ahead (Video)
Authors: Génecis Cantillana, Martina Covarrubias, Josefina Donoso Donoso Yocelyn, Nicole Reyes, Barbara Rojas.

Authors: Pamela Mayorga, Carolina Navarro, Carlos Rosas, Roxana Villegas

Authors: Bernadette Coo, María José García, Daniela Ocampo, Pablo Rodriguez

Authors: Alejandra Cáceres, Daniela Maraboli, Valentina Utz, Alejandra Viertel.

8. With the absence of biological parents is possible for another actor to achieve a comprehensive education for the children? (Video)
Authors: Anabella Carinae, Raul Jara, Carla Olivares, Stephanie Quevedo, Benjamin Wechsler

Section 3

Authors: Carolina Acosta, Valeska Bustamante, Katherine Rojo, Natalie Santibanez

2. Teen Pregnancy (Document)
Authors: Kathy Moreno, Valentina Ramírez, Teresita Manzano, Matias Eidelstein, Aurora Mena

Authors: María José Decombe, Caroline Garnham, Francisca Gonzalez, Javier von Marees, Daniela Montecinos, Maria Francisca Maripangui, Pablo Sepúlveda

4. Birth Order our children how much real influence? (Document)
Authors: Paul Laurel, Laura Maya, Carmen Rain, Eduardo Santander

Authors: Javier Contreras, Viviana Burgos, Teresa de la Maza, Trinidad Gonzalez, Natalia Altimira, María José Arévalo

Authors: Karintia Baeza, Karina Pizarro

Authors: Camila Barahona, Catalina Carrasco, Valerie Miller, Maria Fernanda Rodriguez, Ximena Urra, Francisca Valenzuela, Katherine Villarroel

Authors: Maria Ignacia Gajardo, Maria José Gajardo, Patricia Mundaca.

Authors: Javiera Manriquez, Camila Gálvez, María Victoria Pérez, Ji Yun Kim, Claudia Vergara, Tania Segovia


It's Illegal To Do It In That Country 2010

Family Workshop Presentations Power Point Presentations Workshop

In this post you will find the presentations in PowerPoint format on the Family Workshop

Section 1: 1
. Coming

Section 3:
Authors: Alicia Roa, Consuelo Araya, Gerardo Merino, Ana Maria Romo, Carlos Diaz, Maria Jose Becerra

Authors: Josefa Crino, Gabriel Iglesias, Andrea Mangini, María Angélica Muñoz, Marta Silva

Authors: Camila Barahona, Catalina Carrasco, Valerie Miller, Maria Fernanda Rodriguez, Ximena Urra, Francisca Valenzuela, Katherine Villarroel

4. Teen Pregnancy
Authors: Matthias Eidelstein, Teresita Manzano, Mena Aurora, Katherine Moreno, Valentina Ramírez.

Authors: María José Decombe, Caroline Garnham, Francisca Gonzalez, Javier von Marees, Daniela Montecinos, Maria Francisca Maripangui, Pablo Sepúlveda


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fried Veggie Calories

I leave the audio (MP3 format) of most of the presentations on the theme of family that were made in the course "Education, Culture and Society. Due to technical problems will not be available the presentations of the groups 1.2, 9 and 10 (in the order of presentation the day of the exhibition).

Presentation 3 Presentation 4

Presentation 5 Presentation 6 Presentation 7

Presentation 8 Presentation 11


Monday, November 16, 2009

Financial Management Book Written By I M Pandey

Family MP3 format for publications in the

order publications that bear the seal of blog order of business publications, you can download the following document Word (2007) with the format to use. Must complete only the fields specified.

After finishing the document, should keep the title of the publication and send it to socioeducaciónuc@hotmail.com with data from the authors (for the course Education, Culture and Society, issue should be specified in the section where they belong).

Please review the spelling and grammar because jobs are available for everyone once they are uploaded.

Remember we are looking for new members to the management team. Those interested should write to our mail.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gpsphone Transfer Save

Blog Blog: New Team

We are looking for new team that will manage the blog. If you're interested, write to



UC student-Ser-Priority to students of the Faculty of Education (you know the topic)

2 to be elected to 4 people manage the site and to support parents and teachers in their educational work. Download

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Naruto Animated Sprites

Download: Text

Final versions of the classes of the family unit.
Family Class 1 (Final Version, pdf document)
Class 2 Family (coming soon)
Family Class 3 (Soon)

This entry will be updated with final versions of the classes before the end of the year.

Your comments: "In the blog

-E-mail: socioeducacionuc@hotmail.com

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How To Use A Monopod In Concerts

Classes Family Unit Download: MP3 Audio Classes

Download Family unity of the subject Education, Culture and Society Class

October 15, 2009

Part 1 Part 2

Class 29 October 2009
Part 1 Part 2

Part 3 (coming soon)

Class November 5, 2009

Part 1 Part 2

are in MP3 format. This entry is updated with the last classes of the semester.
Soon more news.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I-catcher Console Web Monitor -

Your Videos sign our online! Socioeducación

If you want to help set our signal found Socioeducación UC, you can upload your own videos how?
1. Upload your video to YouTube
2. Send the URL for the video to socioeducacionuc@hotmail.com
3. Then you see the video programming signal.

Remember that the video should be concerned with education, be your responsibility or have permission to use.
can also send music videos for intermediate programming.

waiting for your videos. UC Socioeducación

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Are There Oxycodonde In Costa Rica

Welcome to UC!

Hello everyone

First we must thank Daniela Josefa Crino Maraboli and who cooperated with the name of the blog.

Now we give them directions to the functioning of the blog.

- Everyone can participate in the blog, sending everything related to education and that you are interested to share with the world, especially their views through test. Only have to send the document to socioeducacionuc@hotmail.com and can be downloaded from the blog through a link.

-course work for Education, Culture and Society Faculty of Education at UC, they must send a copy of socioeducacionuc@hotmail.com work with the subject "ECS job." Sending this message does not replace the supply of labor in the official media which is the course page.

"If someone wants to participate in the maintenance of the blog, you can write to socioeducacionuc@hotmail.com with the subject" I Participate "

-A signal through online classes can see the teacher Lucia Santelices, provided that the capacity of the server says otherwise.)

-You may also contact the blog through Facebook and Twitter (@ soceducacionuc)

hope you enjoy the content and surprises.

Regards, Team Socioeducación

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Waxing Week Before Period


Inspired by the movie "Marley and Me"

After researching on the Internet and magazines, dog breed suited to acquire, we conclude that a Labrador retriever would be the solution to have a pet, the farmers, according to data, people worship tend to be patient with children, it is not an aggressive dog, they are easy to train, has an exceptional kindness, gentleness, intelligence, energy and goodness, well, the race is over popular in the world by number of registered copies.

Daniel, Mayra's neighbor, curiously, had offered a puppy of this race, since he has a female who had just given birth to her puppies. May not accepted, after a week told me and I told him I would be very good choice, after several hours of conversation I managed to convince her that we had our first pet, after all, what would a marriage without a these?, an argument that was accepted by my now wife. We immediately went to see Daniel to tell us how much we could give a puppy. He told us he had only one and was at that time in the shop for sale Liverpool, who were to see and if not sold in the week gave us half price. So it was. Galileo

is originally from San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, now has three years of age. I still remember when my friend went with Eder for the long awaited puppy home from Daniel's mother, in San Cristóbal, was in my office about two hours waiting to finish my working day so you can take home. Was a little apprehensive knowing the new space full of computers and cables that had been taken, to the point of 7:30 pm, at which time I leave the office on Friday and leaving for the capital of the State to spend the weekend at my mother's house, where he slept those weekends because I have not married, I took a box, I think it was a regulator voltage, I made some holes and stuck it. Gaby supported me to carry on their legs into the leaky box.

confess that I was afraid to take him home Thely mom, she's not very friendly to these types of pets, even though she grew up next to two German shepherds, owned by father Daniel and mother Tita. I did not know how to react to this fact, the original idea was to have the weekend all week Tuxtla and San Cristobal to keep me company.

That night he slept in my room, my mother did not know anything, I got home too late to realize that my recent acquisition. The next day found the irrepressible bodily waste my puppy on the floor of the room. He was under the bed as if he had found the perfect place to sleep. Continued ...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Typical Ambulance Ride Cost

Dear Friends

Having completed the main objective of the Commission's intention to get all the information necessary for Afinsa customers could decide freely, with information true, on its accession to the Convention or not submitted by Afinsa and how to do in case they decide to join, the Commission has fulfilled its mission.

However, the Commission will monitor the recount process, in order to provide accurate information on the development the same, understanding that this is subordinated to the primary objective and that such monitoring will terminate the activity of the Commission.

As soon as we have proven reliable and the evolution of the voting process will issue the corresponding statement. Sincerely

Commission Afinsa Afinsa

Monday, September 7, 2009

Silpada Invite Ideas Mothers Day

Press Release No. 14 No. 13 No. 12

Dear Friends
No news after the closing date of accession to the Convention.

manteros To promptly informed of any fact / relevant news occurs, the Commission will resume its meetings after the break of the month de Agosto.

Saludos cordiales para todos,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tighty Whities Are Hot


Próximo a finalizar el plazo de admisión de adhesiones a la propuesta de Convenio presentado por Afinsa y admitido a trámite por el juzgado mercantil, la CCA desea manifestar lo siguiente:

La CCA ha terminado su cometido en la fase informativa previa al acto de adhesión al Convenio, cuyo único objetivo era el de trasladar, a todos los clientes, información objetiva necesaria para que pudieran decidir libremente sobre su adhesión, o no, a la Propuesta de Convenio admitida a trámite por el juzgado mercantil y presentada por los accionistas a finales del año 2006.

However, once the acceding to it, we also show that, since at a later stage, the CEC extend its action to the verification and reporting of data accessions received in court and incidents that if they occur.

The CCA wants to extend its sincere thanks to all the people involved in this first stage of the process for their support in this work. All of them, thank you very much.

addition, the CCA wishes to express its regret the attitude of the Insolvency Administration, for dereliction of duties with regard to ensuring the rights of clients, despite the provisions by the bankruptcy law regarding the due diligence that should act, not sent to the same essential information as to the creditors, so that they could make an informed choice and freedom, as such, of coercion.

Finally, and similarly, we want to state our disagreement with the way forward for much of the client associations that either have not reported the Convention, or have done so clearly biased and aimed at the liquidation , even, in some cases, to coerce customers who decide to exercise freely their right to accede to the Convention proposed by the Company.

Sincerely, Afinsa
Convention Commission. Afinsa Convention Commission

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sample Letter Offer Shop Lease

Important and general interest.

The next day 28, Friday, the deadline for conducting Afinsa accessions to the Convention. Posts in communication with the Court, has been consulted about the status Non-accessions were made on the same day 28. The response has been "accepted as valid are those which have been signed and submitted to the court by certified mail the same day. Be rejected that are sent by mail at a later date to Friday, day 28, although the notary signature that leads date "

On the other hand, we receive reports that some notaries are refusing to carry out the act of recognition of signatures, saying orders received from Madrid.

not know what's true is it, but we want to remind you that there are other ways to join: one of them would be a power of "shared" between several people (opens the first principal and the other stick, which minimizes the cost of power appreciably) and another is cum directly to the Court of Gran Via in Madrid. We know that many customers have been doing in recent days.

Best wishes to all,
Afinsa Convention Commission. Afinsa Convention Commission

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can A Camera Flash Hurt A Baby's Eyes

In life we \u200b\u200bmeet people, one after another, some go in the moment, others stay a little longer, but at some point disappear from the map for various reasons : change of residence or lifestyle. And of course there are those who stay forever.

a friend, you could say, is with whom you have an emotional relationship and disinterested. The clearest example of friendship is Jesus, who loves us so that was able to give his life for us, his brothers and friends, no doubt, he is the best friend, is never going to fail and we can always trust.

I can say I have the joy of having people tremendously valuable and as such, very dear to me each and every one of them know very well, which means the space I have to do to my new best friend, my dearly beloved son, Manuel Alejandro.

The feeling of being a father is hard to describe, is something you have to live to feel it and enjoy it, take my arms to my little Manolo has been the most wonderful experience of my life, anything resembling it, the legs are bent, hands trembling, the voice cracks and tears can not be contained when you see it, the body of your beloved, you are leaving this beautiful being.

Knowing that I put my bit for God, our Lord, to create this wonderful piece of meat, I do have too many emotions together since it was my new best friend, and talk since I knew that was because a small image generated by high frequency sound waves (ultrasound or ultrasound), I remember I was told I had a size smaller than a grain of rice.

know we'll have differences, as most best friends, but the indestructible bond that unites us will give us the pattern to get good deals and take the ship to fruition, we also have to be the mediator Mayrita undisputed that in these matters.

Thanks to all the friends who share this joy with May and me, the list is long. Thank God for allowing my new best friend has arrived without complications and, as always, I renew my commitment to serve you till you think is suitable.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Herb Albert Sit Com Tunes

Press Release No. 11 No. 10.

response to the consultation that some customers have sent through the mail from the Commission, confirmed that indeed, all those who wish to join the Convention submitted by Afinsa and reside outside Madrid (or may not appear in the Magistrate's Court , for any reason, including the absence on holiday) can carry out this commitment by providing a notary of the town / city where they are, the document is inserted in this blog, in the section on Documents , under the name: PAPER ADHESION BY MAIL.

insist: the notary in which accession takes place, is not which necessarily pertain to the place of residence of the creditor.

We recalled, moreover, that while this August has 31 days, the membership will end formally on the 28th, Friday.

Best wishes to all,
AFINSA CONVENTION COMMITTEE. Afinsa Convention Commission Qualification

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lesbian Experience In Vegas


The CEC considered important to look once more on the benefits of the proposed agreement itself, and to analyze what some associations, federations and platforms, as well as certain law firms, are called "cons " giving real consideration to their naturalization papers when, they do not cease to be mere value judgments about the overall context of a situation is certainly complex, for all that surrounds AFINSA intervention, but by no means insurmountable.

I. The key advantages of the agreement are: A.

- It supplies 50% of investments made within a maximum of five years and the outcome of the complaint to state property, which in their case, their representatives properly submitted legal.

B. - Lets have:

• Of the total awarded philately and the client may in turn, sell or hold.

• Of the share allocated to the shares of the Company, commensurate with their investment-with the rights that entails.

A highlight, among others:

• The right to a proportionate share of the outcome of the complaint to state property that have made shareholders, made by Gomez de Liano Office, which is also compatible with who had made , where the clients themselves.

• Right to sell shares at any time.

• Right to receive dividends, vote at the meeting of shareholders of the company, etc.

For analysis of what third party is seen as disadvantages "insurmountable" and analyzing the situation objectively at all they are, have the following:

does not have an endorsement . Indeed. It was not possible, despite many efforts, due to the blockade and negative industry and regulatory agencies to support Afinsa, but the incorporation of a guarantee is not at all a hopeless condition for the implementation of Convention, as there was once an obstacle to the judge declared admissible.

currently Afinsa can only rely on their own and those delivered by shareholders.

• Feasibility Plan outdated : The raised areas are booming, but real estate can be in the future if the crisis is slashing the supply of operators which for 2010 will be reactivating the sector. In any case, these plans are logically updatable.

not have a sales network : Afinsa can hire the best professionals in the future market for a solid project, which may be former employees of the company or from the professional market that exists today.

The sale of stamp collecting is impossible - the image is Afinsa impaired -: In a global market and trade promotion strategy and appropriate (name change, institutional promotion relaunch, etc) can maximize the value of philately in a reasonable time.

The judge may oppose the Convention : The previous judge CONTENT AND AGREED TO THE CONVENTION ON YOUR DAY, AND ANY OF THE PARTIES OVER 300 PEOPLE appealed against that decision and, therefore, the content of the Convention is the sufficiently validated to the judge to consider its implementation once achieved 50% of adherence to it.

Afinsa Convention Commission. Afinsa Convention Commission

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Saying For Someone Who Had Surgery

Press Release No. 9 No. 8.

The Commission is receiving repeated queries about certain aspects of the utmost importance to all customers who would like to clarify.

Some of the most common questions are:

P: why shareholders have not informed their customers of the existence of an agreement?

R: Immediately after commissioning of work by the AFINSA CONVENTION COMMISSION (CEC) to inform customers of the aspects related to the proposed agreement and the accession process should be After all, the CCA was warned by several presidents of white platforms, that its members would be reported to the Data Protection Agency about the possible use of personal information provided by the court.

this attitude clearly coercive, leaving no doubt as to the intentions of others against the CCA, the shareholders shall conduct consultations with the Data Protection Agency who reported that the databases of customers can only be used by the receivers.

After receiving this response, shareholders have requested in writing that the bankruptcy administration is making the communication of information relating to the Convention and how to join it in a personalized manner so that each client MAY Free to decide whether they adhere to that proposal for the Convention or, failing and failing to adhere to, opt for the liquidation of the Company. To view document, click on the link embedded in the blog, under the heading: "Writing to the court requesting that report on the Convention"

Q: Have
platforms properly informed their clients?

R: Most platforms have issued several statements, although not all have done by mail, thereby significantly limiting the scope of its communications to its members and leaving many of them unarmed and in total ignorance of the situation, in which detailed under purely subjective criteria, what are the disadvantages of this Convention, and even allow accession to discourage, though forgot to do something that we consider relevant: Explain what are the real disadvantages of the alternative of liquidation against the of a Convention.

Similarly, have avoided to make clear to their partners, on the assumption not approve the agreement, goes directly to the Settlement. No turning back.

Q: is lost with the accession to the Convention the right to claim the State Heritage?

at all. The CCA and reported that the Convention is it compatible with the claim Patrimonial State, citing the legal arguments contained in the document : "Legal Report on the Compatibility of Agreement with the State Heritage Claim" also inserted into the Blog in Section Documentation.

On the other hand, is by no means established that all lawyers have made such a claim and to those who claim to have done, know what it contains. Customers have the right to know whether they have made on behalf of these claims and if so, what is the content and exact terms thereof.

Convention Commission

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pokemon Imagen De Gidle

Statement No. 7.


Before the documentary information gap that many customers have and that prevents them to fill some of the fields that appear, both in the Act of Accession "Apud Acta "in the Commercial Court n º 6, Madrid, as in the document / record that can be legitimized by signing before a notary and then send by mail, we have carried out appropriate consultations before the Commercial Court and the response has been: " In the event that any of the fields be incomplete, most importantly, besides the signature, is that the Act be stapled to the top right a photocopy of the ID of creditor holds membership. That will be the document that will manage to collate all data relating to the creditor.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

100x100 Multiplcation

Statement No. 6.

inform all customers Afinsa that after consultations with several notaries, the Act of Accession for those unable to appear at the Commercial Court built in the Documents section of this blog is perfectly valid for the accessions to the Convention Afinsa be made by signing and standing at a cost ranging between 6 and 7 euros.

Moreover, the Secretary of Commercial Court has confirmed that the powers granted to D. José María Gil Robles are not valid for use on behalf of its members for membership of the Convention explicitly. That leaves

corroborated by the above that the accessions to the Convention to be made by standing Afinsa signature and individually.

If a Notary refuse to carry out the process of accession by that act, you should discard it immediately, look for another option and not access in any way, their claims to make membership by power of attorney which will cost significantly involved than legitimize a signature. CONVENTION COMMITTEE

AFINSA. Convention Commission Afinsa

Friday, July 3, 2009

Overdose Panadol Blue

Statement No. 5. Press

For its obvious interest to clients of Afinsa, the Commission makes available a document entitled: "Legal Report on the Compatibility of Agreement with the State Heritage Claim" , whose contents are believe will clear any doubts that, today, some continue to have prejudiced the matter.

(The contents of the document is in the left column of the blog, under "GENERAL INTEREST DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT AFINSA) Afinsa

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Waxing A Home Business

No. 4.

With our apologies for the delay in inserting the documents required for membership by mail (needed confirmation by the court procedure), we offer all customers AFINSA Bienes Tangibles, SA, the following: 1 .-

Document of Accession to the Convention Afinsa for all those unable to appear at the Commercial Court n º 6, Madrid.

2 .- How to complete and return the document to the court, by certified mail.

IMPORTANT: Deadline for receiving accessions: August 28

3 .- On the other hand, and taking into account the complexity of the Document of Agreement and Plan of Roads, the content is required to be aware of customers who want adherise to it, we bring you a summary of this document (See: Outline Convention Borrower paragraph DOCUMENTS OF INTEREST GENERAL CONCERNING THE ACCESSION TO THE CONVENTION PROPOSAL AFINSA). CONVENTION COMMITTEE

AFINSA. Convention Commission Afinsa New

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rental Room Agreement Template

Statement No. 3.

meeting in yesterday, by the AFINSA CONVENTION COMMITTEE.

As a result thereof, the Commission is available to customers AFINSA documentation of interest to all those who wish to exercise their right to accede to the Convention.

The first document, divided into 8 files, containing full information content of the Draft Convention submitted at the time by the debtor (For access to all documents, once clicked the corresponding link, you must press the " link at the bottom of each page and marked with a flashing red arrow)
We also
Your PROVISIONS ON the Order of Justice, which opened the competition phase and the website of Official Gazette in which officially announced the possibility exists to join a Creditors Agreement.

Finally, by the links that appear in the left column of this page under "documents of general interest RELATED ACCESSION TO THE DRAFT CONVENTION AFINSA" you can access a document model as you will have to sign the Commercial Court n º 6 Madrid, c / Gran Via 52, Madrid,
Phone: 91-493-04-37, all those who optéis this option by signing "Apud Act."

On Monday, day 29, we will provide details of the procedure for accession is not possible to appear at the court.

For any questions regarding the above, we suggest you address AFINSA office (telephone number: 91-576-78-74), where we are sure that his staff will attend to your calls and resolve all your doubts with great taste.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Gatsby Wax Downtown Seattle


Dedicated to the Herrera family Castanon:

Angelito, as its name says it was, and brought the Heaven, her parents waited so long and fought well to come. Definitely, God shows his greatness in the smallest things, for show is the same, which may be the most sublime and large chose to remain in a piece of bread.

In this difficult time for my comrades, who were full of anxiety, worry, fear, reflected in their faces and their tears, God was changing all that with patience, comfort, love, friendship, hope, hope, understanding. Ever heard that gold has to go through the fire many times to turn into the beautiful statues and shapely figures, so my Angelito went through a few times by the fire of the needles, hoses, serums, analysis exhausted in order to form the new heart, ready to begin working as it should be.

I know that this bit of people, fought like a great warrior against all odds and all predictions, but how would not do so if it brings in the blood?, Has a family that has been used to fight, to get ahead, always taking things forward and fight, fight and fight, that, too I know. Angelito

has two parents who work very hard to not miss anything to his beloved family, has two grandmothers with prayers and his efforts have strengthened the bonds of family love and has a sister who, above all, braved the strong step of not being with mom and dad, as always was used. Lupita is a great kid.

I have no words to thank Jesus, my Lord, what he has done for our beloved godson Angelito, I can only give back, to me at your disposal, all the blessings we have and will continue to receive from you.

How great are your works Lord, thank you for keeping the family whole Herrera Castanon.

Compadres, are a great example of integrity and trust. Thanks for showing it.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hosp Pharm. 1993 Dec;28(12):1180-1, 1184-9

Press # 2.

In this day has held another meeting by the AFINSA CONVENTION COMMITTEE, to design the various lines of communication that allow us to reach all AFINSA customers.

As a result of it, we launched this blog that aims to be a window for you all. Its objective is to move all the information of interest related to the Convention which shall be passed before the end of August.

Believing by all members of the Commission that the option of accession to the Convention is the best interest of customers, we initiated our contact with you through this blog, in the hope that this vehicle communication allows us, to all rowing in the same direction.



Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rayados De Monterrey Cake

Press # 1.

On Monday, June 1, was formed the AFINSA CONVENTION COMMITTEE, with the presence of representatives of various associations of customers and the debtor.

The objective of this committee is to support the Agreement that the Company filed in November 2006, the only declared admissible by the judge on today, launching all actions necessary to disclose the contents, so that all creditors to meet its terms and understand them to finally decide whether it is the best option we have to recover their investments.

To achieve this ultimate goal, each Afinsa customers should accede to the Convention individually, voting in favor of it, before July 31, 2009 as the date recommended. August 28 is the deadline and ordered by the Court n º 6 de lo Mercantil de Madrid, which is handling the contest.

With the implementation of this committee is to reach all customers to explain what the Convention AFINSA and how they can adhere to it, always looking at four basic premises: accession shall be carried out by writing, individually, for the record expresses to know the contents of the Convention to which they adhere and indicating the value of their claims.

For these purposes, and to meet the criteria of the competent court, it is important to note that as required by the judge, Platforms, associations and law firms, have no representative to exercise the voting delegate with the powers granted so far as the vote is personal and not transferable or by delegation, and should be completed by a particular operating procedure for which the COMMISSION will be detailed in subsequent briefings.

Friday, June 5, 2008 Convention Committee Afinsa

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Play 10 Pokemon Versions Online

My dear friend and colleague, Paul Salmon, who is a copyeditor, has accepted my proposal to collaborate on this blog, as their workload permits, so I sent her first article:

say that to be complete in this life has to ride a hot air balloon, planting a tree, have a son or daughter and how not to write a book, but what parts make up a book, in what order they go ... then rinse :


1. ª lining: Home
2. nd and 3. ª lining, the solapillas would, if carried the book
4. ª lining:


Title with subtitle

legal page index

Dedication Foreword, introduction, preface, prologue

List of abbreviations Acknowledgements Introduction

BODY TEXT (the work itself)

Notes Appendices, Annexes

1 2 ..

Glossary (could be included here: MAPS)

Maps, tables, charts ...

Analytical Bibliography (list of authors and works) Postscript

Colophon Pablo Salmerón

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mirtazapine And Temporal Arteritis

where it emphasizes: MAS, TU, EL, MI, ETC.

Mayris, which has a very interesting blog called "Things and words" (click here if you want to visit) asked about the accentuation of the words: more, more , alone, alone, etc.

The orthographic accent, depending on their function, is classified as diacritics and strong stress.

What concerns the question Mayrita diacritic accent, this word is used when a dual role played by grammatical especially syllable, ie the accent is used to differentiate other words that are written and pronounced alike but have different meanings. See examples:


is accentuated when the personal pronoun: "They gave me this book puts
accent when not using it as a possessive adjective:" This is my book "


emphasis is placed when you use it as a personal pronoun: "You are the best player in Mexico" has no accent

if we use it as a possessive adjective: "Your shirt is missing a button


is emphasized when we use it as a personal pronoun: "He told me many things"
accent is ignored when used as definite article: "The math test will be very difficult"

SE - It takes

accent when used as a verb, be, or know, "I know I'll pass the math test" "Be a good person"

accentuated when not used as a pronoun. "They stopped to eat on the road"

DE - GIVE He adds

accent when verb: "His friend reminded him that it gives"

When preposition has no accent: "The grass of home is growing very fast"


We emphasize, when we use it as an adverb affirmation and when it comes to personal pronoun of the third person: "Yes, I'll go with you", "always thinks of himself"

not enhanced when it is a conjunction (conditional or interrogative), or the refer to the musical note: "If you have enough money, buy it", "The song is harmonized in if"


means is accentuated when adverb of quantity: "I like the red blue guitar"

When but synonymous, ie when adversative conjunction, it gets worse: "What you say is fine, but I think you can do other things"


an accent when it comes to drinking: "Tea is served after the six"

emphasizes not when referring to the personal pronoun "You should do that?"

O - Ó

only increases when separate numbers, to avoid ambiguity with the number zero. "How many did you say you need, 4 or 5?"

There is also this kind of accent for polysyllabic (only, only, even, though, this, this, etc..), But we'll see in the next inning.

I'm glad you are interested in this spelling, and the questions, I do research and learn. Thanks.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Toilet Bowel Tablets Bad For Tank


Yesterday, at home, the family were talking about how to write today, so good until one of my brothers said: "I write because I am a fashion ...". I really wonder if writing with misspellings, abbreviations rare, no punctuation is it a fad?

time ago I read in Eder's blog [What we are], an entry regarding how to write on the Internet, referred to the language used in the metroFLOG and put some examples (if you want to read input from Eder : The language of metroFLOG, please click here ). For me, it is difficult to understand this kind of writing, and I think, in my very personal point of view, to write well is not a fad. I'm not saying it does not take errors of thumb, tend to happen often. But these days we find people who can write "box" with "g".

Moving on to what befalls us in this post:

  • Why , separate written statements only in interrogative or interrogative sentences that make sense. Examples:

Why you like snow lemon?
do not know why he was angry

  • Because together, the function of conjunction. Is written as one word and without orthographic accent. Examples:

I like it because
acid tastes are angry because they stole a cell phone.

  • Why, as one word and with an accent, it means reason, cause or motive. Can be easily identified because usually precedes a story. Examples:

Jaguars players already know the reason for this decision.
not want to know the whys of your attitude.
Give me a reason for your separation.

do not consider myself an expert on the subject, I'm in the process of learning the rules, nor do I judge people who do not write properly, they will never be. Hopefully that with these data we can learn to write better, to begin the commitment of a server as an administrator of this blog is that try to write my best, so I know the reason for these entries.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maybelline Color Chart Foundation

Punctuation (comma)

My friend Laura who, incidentally, has a very interesting blog called [ gray Painting ] asked about the use of commas, semicolons, periods, etc.

I'm no expert on this subject, but I researched in some books and manuals, is rather extensive, especially regarding the use of the comma, for this reason will divide it into several sections.

is good to know that a most important factor in good writing, is the score, because with this we give adequate breaks to separate an idea from another or to indicate the emphasis that we normally do when speaking, ie a poorly punctuated text can incomprehensible to the reader, so that the correct punctuation is a necessity in any kind of writing.

The punctuation marks are:


  • is a punctuation mark that separates grammatically equivalent members within the same sentence, ie: verbs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns or adverbs. When there is an enumeration, the last two words are joined by the conjunctions and, and, no, o, u.


    I like mango, apple, melon and watermelon.
    not want to do your homework, do not want to eat or leave the house.
    prefer to read, play with you or listen to music.

  • However, coma and conjunctions are not necessarily incompatible:

    - Used conjunction eat more when it comes to define and unite two series that appear together in the text. Examples: buy

    dishes glasses, and blankets, sheets and blankets.

    Series 1: elements of a "dish"
    Series 2: Elements of "bedding"

    Miguel knows Puerto Rico, Chile and Uruguay, and plan to go to Brazil, Argentina and Mexico.

    Series 1: Countries that "knows" Miguel.
    Series 2: countries' plans to go "to visit.

    - Place a comma before a conjunction when the sequence that expresses a content heading straight, time, etc., Other than the element or elements. Example:

    tested the pozole, went to Garibaldi, and were delighted.

    - When a conjunction is designed to bind an idea with all the previous proposition, not the last of its members. Example:

    tasted the cheese, cream and sausage, and left without paying.

  • Intercala different types of clauses, ie fragments containing additional information and therefore can be deleted without affecting the sequence of prayer.


    Mr. Abarca, as mentioned above, has been ill.
    Young, who traveled on the subway, they were late.
    Gabriela, frankly, a very nice person.

  • Separate sentences or short phrases.


    At ten o'clock every day, invariably, the man leaves his home, cell phone in hand.

    of very small, when his father sat on his knees, he worried to hear the beating of his heart, by the memory of infinite sadness.

  • coma also writes:

    - Before vocative, ie the word or words used to go directly to a person or to call someone. Examples:

    I'm talking about, John.
    Come away, Jose.

    - When the vocative goes through prayer. Examples:

    I'm very sorry, Thely, for your car.
    Tell me, Katie, when you get to Guanajuato.

    - After vocative. Examples:

    Laura, you call your sister.
    Mayra, thanks for dinner.

  • The comma separates following expressions: that is, that is, finally, finally, therefore, however, nevertheless, also in this case, therefore, in contrast, first and so on.


    Therefore, we are on the verge of bankruptcy.
    However, try to unite us.
    Anyway, what else I can say.

  • Typically, type comma before a conjunction or conjunctive phrase that connects the propositions of a compound sentence:

    - In coordinated statements introduced by the adversative conjunctions but, again, but, but. Examples:

    can use the car, but do not go on strike.
    There are too many pharmacies, but all away from here.

    - is prepended to use consecutive sentences: so, so, so. Examples:

    said you would buy me the shirt of Team America, so you can go and taking your savings.
    Today I will leave work early, so you'll stop by for a movie

    - In front of the logical and causal explanatory propositions. Examples:

    is high, because his dad is too.
    feel heat because the day has the fan on.

Important Notes:

- should not be placed comma between subject and verb, if there is no point:

Mayrita become an excellent mum.
Mayrita, if continues, will become an excellent mum.

- No comma should be placed between the verb and its supplements if they follow a linear order or if you do not see any point:

Pedro left notes to his companions.
Pedro left, as well You know, the notes to their classmates.

- should not be placed comma after the word but when it goes before an interrogative sentence:

But what is graphology?
I know it's too late, but could talk a bit longer?

- Commas can produce a special case of double interpretation to sentences that involve certain relative pronouns:

Students who had traveled by train
arrived late (only a group of students had traveled by train and these were those who arrived late, the other students used other means of transport and not be late)

The students, who had traveled by train, arrived late.
(All students had traveled by train and, therefore, all came later)

A misplaced comma or, worse, not placed, you can change the sense of what we write . Let these two examples and understand the need for using this punctuation mark:

-------------------------------- ------------

"The teacher says the inspector, is an ass"

"The teacher says the inspector is a donkey"


----------------------------------- A Emperor he went on to sign a statement which read:

"Pardon impossible, to serve his sentence."

Al monarch earned her magnanimity and, before signing it, move the decimal point site:

"Sorry, can not serve his sentence."

And so, a comma changed the fate of some unfortunate ... ---------------------------------------------

PD Surely there are more rules for the comma, I tried to summarize the most used, however, if any of you find something different, please attach it in a comment and I'll be adding to their respective reference.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Canadian Food Guide In French


Hi, I was surfing the net and found a very entertaining test in which we study handwriting in your signature.

But what is graphology?, According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, is: ".. a projective technique and writing descriptive analysis to identify or describe an individual's personality and try to determine characteristics general character, about his mental stability (and even physiological), the nature of his emotions, his kind of intelligence and skills and, for some handwriting, used to diagnose the extent health or physical and mental illness. "

The purpose of this entry is not questioning the validity or invalidity of this technique is only for that, in an entertaining way, we have an approach to study handwriting of our signature. Da

click here to start the test.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Electronic Bingo Hall Boards

The first video of my baby / a

I present the first video of my baby / a, is an ultrasound performed on March 7, 2009, by Dr. Lucia Trinidad Sun

I want him in my arms. I love you Mayra!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What Is The Best Outboard Motor For 2010

capture desktop screens

Alexis asked, how can you do to capture desktop screens or some program that we used, the steps below:

Before I should mention that there are some programs for this task, such as Corel Capture , included in the Corel Draw , among others. But we can also use the capture tool that allows us windows using the keyboard of our computer.

1 .- If you want to capture full screen, ie everything that appears in your monitor at some point you just have to press the Print Screen key :

English Keyboard: Keyboard


With this step, only stored in memory (clipboard) full screen all the elements that was showing it at the time of capture. In the figure below you can see a full screenshot.

paste How do I capture? You open the program where you want to paste your catch, whether Power Point, Word, Corel, etc., And using the program menu option to place the edit and paste or, from the keyboard You can use the Ctrl key and then press the V .

2 .- If you only want to capture one of the windows on the screen, just select that screen and press the Alt key and then press the Print Screen . As shown in the figure below:

Note .- You can also use design programs like photoshop, fireworks, photo paint and even the paint of windows allows you to crop the captured image, ie if want to capture the program menus, open the menu catch, stick to your program design, and cut only the menu, see figure below:
