Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tighty Whities Are Hot


Próximo a finalizar el plazo de admisión de adhesiones a la propuesta de Convenio presentado por Afinsa y admitido a trámite por el juzgado mercantil, la CCA desea manifestar lo siguiente:

La CCA ha terminado su cometido en la fase informativa previa al acto de adhesión al Convenio, cuyo único objetivo era el de trasladar, a todos los clientes, información objetiva necesaria para que pudieran decidir libremente sobre su adhesión, o no, a la Propuesta de Convenio admitida a trámite por el juzgado mercantil y presentada por los accionistas a finales del año 2006.

However, once the acceding to it, we also show that, since at a later stage, the CEC extend its action to the verification and reporting of data accessions received in court and incidents that if they occur.

The CCA wants to extend its sincere thanks to all the people involved in this first stage of the process for their support in this work. All of them, thank you very much.

addition, the CCA wishes to express its regret the attitude of the Insolvency Administration, for dereliction of duties with regard to ensuring the rights of clients, despite the provisions by the bankruptcy law regarding the due diligence that should act, not sent to the same essential information as to the creditors, so that they could make an informed choice and freedom, as such, of coercion.

Finally, and similarly, we want to state our disagreement with the way forward for much of the client associations that either have not reported the Convention, or have done so clearly biased and aimed at the liquidation , even, in some cases, to coerce customers who decide to exercise freely their right to accede to the Convention proposed by the Company.

Sincerely, Afinsa
Convention Commission. Afinsa Convention Commission


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