Monday, August 20, 2007

Where Do You Go To Get To Broks Gym Pokemon Hg

Only one question prompts me to write these lines: Why, in general, society knows more about who is Paris Hilton and less who is Subcomandante Marcos? Leaving ideology aside, would not it be good for all to communicate in the same measure? The cultural industry of mass media is committed to get us only part of the hood. In my view this is harmful for everyone, because if ever see a tree in spring, never know what the winter. I'm not saying be "critical gift" and analyze everything with a magnifying glass, but if bogo because at least we think that every face has a counterpart in this world and more categories of good and bad. I mean, suddenly it is sometimes good dive for other waters. Because there are "other waters" and other visions. It is sometimes necessary to break the bottle and discovered that there are as many reasons as there are heads in the world "So everything is relative? No, just that nothing is absolute. In a book I read talk about something called naive nihilism, the idea was interesting. According to Wikipedia Nihilism (from the Latin, meaning nihil 'nothing') is the negation of all principle, authority, philosophical or religious dogma. Nihilism is a philosophical position which argues the world, and especially human existence, so really do not have any objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value than . And what is about naive nihilism what they had been talking about? Everything and nothing. A nihilist is someone naive who believes and is convinced that no good and is disappointed the world, but, and here is that naive in my view, to be disappointed about something you first have to be excited that something how to believe in anything if you never thought you? Like to think that everything does not matter if from when I wake up I go to bed I'm choosing between things that are different: salty or sweet, grapefruit or orange, yin or yang. I speak which we can choose, tinquiritos bourgeoise, the other, the nobodies, are another matter. I'm disappointed a person who fought with the ERP and saw their dreams fade, I understand, believe in something and now does not believe in anything. But we, the new blood, young bourgeoise what are we disappointed?, What ended the Menem decade?, What Argentina did not go champ?. A copy disappointed me to see as our own and not, we are letting the generational opportunity to do things, but then do not go and then we unbelievers. But then, the key is that, later. Now, today, we have to believe and give value to the word utopia and do not talk about big things, talk to reassess our right to dream or to vote against bad government, or to say, I do care, or going to a march, or write, paint, sing, but all that with a goal. We have more outlets than the "joint world forget, forget the beer penalties and Ribotril (capitalism found solutions to our ills, ills). We must, as noted in the tinquirito Fer, write the blank. Writing each and together we can rewrite history. Because if we are nothing, "our children are going to be? nothing, nothing. Because if so, we burn the cities, books, movies, computers and live in balls, total if nothing matters, everything is the same. Fallacy, nobody gives you all the same, sometimes it's more comfortable to sink into the mire of deception to drag their knees on the stone of illusion. And yes, you do not mind anything, today's most common and accepted that you care about something, because when something you care about your old, some people look at you with weird face and thinking about your future will convey their disappointment and their battles lost and show you that since the world began losing good and ill win and you best armes a future push you that little bit of a dreamer that you got to the corner and responsibilities vested in you You are going to have or you got. Eye, I say take the idiot with the responsibilities, must be fulfilled, but need not be all. In other words, horse racing was a movement that has passed. We must dream and work and better if you can work for change. I do not know what I'm getting, but if I tell me a while to get me out of nowhere off and making a magazine and thinking I feel better, as le'r an agenda (a phrase that is not signed) "Tomorrow you may have to sit in front of my children and tell them that we lost ... we did not know how to do to win, but I could not look them in the eye and say that they live well because I do not anime fighting. " And so, if we have the means we sink into nothing and accept to know about Paris Hilton and do not know about Subcomandante Marcos I think we're wandering (I want to be clear, Subcomandante Marcos or Videla The important thing is to see the whole field).

And my sincere apologies last line, I love everyone who reads this leave a comment, not to feed my ego, but to know that there are heads behind the monitors who suffer and feel things like to which I go and more important to know that this does not render anything. Putenme, disagree, agree, scream, send viruses, but we no no, I already did something small, throw the pebble cover eco doxa and desire.

Tinquirito signs in addition to Eco called Aureliano.


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