Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tighty Whities Are Hot


Próximo a finalizar el plazo de admisión de adhesiones a la propuesta de Convenio presentado por Afinsa y admitido a trámite por el juzgado mercantil, la CCA desea manifestar lo siguiente:

La CCA ha terminado su cometido en la fase informativa previa al acto de adhesión al Convenio, cuyo único objetivo era el de trasladar, a todos los clientes, información objetiva necesaria para que pudieran decidir libremente sobre su adhesión, o no, a la Propuesta de Convenio admitida a trámite por el juzgado mercantil y presentada por los accionistas a finales del año 2006.

However, once the acceding to it, we also show that, since at a later stage, the CEC extend its action to the verification and reporting of data accessions received in court and incidents that if they occur.

The CCA wants to extend its sincere thanks to all the people involved in this first stage of the process for their support in this work. All of them, thank you very much.

addition, the CCA wishes to express its regret the attitude of the Insolvency Administration, for dereliction of duties with regard to ensuring the rights of clients, despite the provisions by the bankruptcy law regarding the due diligence that should act, not sent to the same essential information as to the creditors, so that they could make an informed choice and freedom, as such, of coercion.

Finally, and similarly, we want to state our disagreement with the way forward for much of the client associations that either have not reported the Convention, or have done so clearly biased and aimed at the liquidation , even, in some cases, to coerce customers who decide to exercise freely their right to accede to the Convention proposed by the Company.

Sincerely, Afinsa
Convention Commission. Afinsa Convention Commission

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sample Letter Offer Shop Lease

Important and general interest.

The next day 28, Friday, the deadline for conducting Afinsa accessions to the Convention. Posts in communication with the Court, has been consulted about the status Non-accessions were made on the same day 28. The response has been "accepted as valid are those which have been signed and submitted to the court by certified mail the same day. Be rejected that are sent by mail at a later date to Friday, day 28, although the notary signature that leads date "

On the other hand, we receive reports that some notaries are refusing to carry out the act of recognition of signatures, saying orders received from Madrid.

not know what's true is it, but we want to remind you that there are other ways to join: one of them would be a power of "shared" between several people (opens the first principal and the other stick, which minimizes the cost of power appreciably) and another is cum directly to the Court of Gran Via in Madrid. We know that many customers have been doing in recent days.

Best wishes to all,
Afinsa Convention Commission. Afinsa Convention Commission

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Can A Camera Flash Hurt A Baby's Eyes

In life we \u200b\u200bmeet people, one after another, some go in the moment, others stay a little longer, but at some point disappear from the map for various reasons : change of residence or lifestyle. And of course there are those who stay forever.

a friend, you could say, is with whom you have an emotional relationship and disinterested. The clearest example of friendship is Jesus, who loves us so that was able to give his life for us, his brothers and friends, no doubt, he is the best friend, is never going to fail and we can always trust.

I can say I have the joy of having people tremendously valuable and as such, very dear to me each and every one of them know very well, which means the space I have to do to my new best friend, my dearly beloved son, Manuel Alejandro.

The feeling of being a father is hard to describe, is something you have to live to feel it and enjoy it, take my arms to my little Manolo has been the most wonderful experience of my life, anything resembling it, the legs are bent, hands trembling, the voice cracks and tears can not be contained when you see it, the body of your beloved, you are leaving this beautiful being.

Knowing that I put my bit for God, our Lord, to create this wonderful piece of meat, I do have too many emotions together since it was my new best friend, and talk since I knew that was because a small image generated by high frequency sound waves (ultrasound or ultrasound), I remember I was told I had a size smaller than a grain of rice.

know we'll have differences, as most best friends, but the indestructible bond that unites us will give us the pattern to get good deals and take the ship to fruition, we also have to be the mediator Mayrita undisputed that in these matters.

Thanks to all the friends who share this joy with May and me, the list is long. Thank God for allowing my new best friend has arrived without complications and, as always, I renew my commitment to serve you till you think is suitable.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Herb Albert Sit Com Tunes

Press Release No. 11 No. 10.

response to the consultation that some customers have sent through the mail from the Commission, confirmed that indeed, all those who wish to join the Convention submitted by Afinsa and reside outside Madrid (or may not appear in the Magistrate's Court , for any reason, including the absence on holiday) can carry out this commitment by providing a notary of the town / city where they are, the document is inserted in this blog, in the section on Documents , under the name: PAPER ADHESION BY MAIL.

insist: the notary in which accession takes place, is not which necessarily pertain to the place of residence of the creditor.

We recalled, moreover, that while this August has 31 days, the membership will end formally on the 28th, Friday.

Best wishes to all,
AFINSA CONVENTION COMMITTEE. Afinsa Convention Commission Qualification