Monday, December 17, 2007

Calories In A White Pizza With Broccoli

Democracy is in the oven: a practical example of the death of candidates "elected" by the people.

This image was taken at the center of Messina (one of the main cities of Sicily, the large island of Italy). So there is nothing unusual here, a poster on a street in another country.
The issue is in the contents of that text. The following is the translation of the first part which is under the title Latifondisti in Argentina ... (landowners in Argentina)

Behind the multiethnic face of solidarity, the Benetton, the biggest landowners in Argentina, make huge-profits - thanks to a distribution system property characteristic of the Middle Ages: the ownership of an entire region has been concentrated in the hands of a family of landowners from other nations (in this case Italian) and stolen from local people, bound by that to live in conditions of exploitation and extreme poverty. All legitimized by the "right" and therefore solemnly tax in the power of the state, an authoritarian institution to serve the capitalists. In Argentina
Benetton now have 900,000 hectares of land used for grazing for wool production, this land has always been inhabited by the Mapuche, who is currently confined to a "marginal piece of land, where families living in overcrowded conditions, making labor at low cost. As if this were not enough to permanently destroy their economy and force them to be exploited, the company of the Benetton and fencing has diverted the Rio Chubut, preventing the Mapuche fishing activity.
In conclusion, a sound policy of colonial flavor that has devastated the local economy. For Indians is assured a future of labor exploitation and low cost: they receive a salary of 200 euros per month for shifts that go from sunrise to sunset.
Every attempt of rebellion is put down with blood and repression. Local government delegates and representatives Benetton family continued sent eviction notices to families Mapuche, intimidate and threaten to kill adults and children, send gendarmenes and police.

Reflections on the text that writes and disseminates Libertarian, who signed the bill ( may be a thousand and more pessimistic. I do not lead to the already eloquent words if you are in that "little sign" stuck in a column across the ocean. The saddest thing is that while some Italians probably wrote the text, in Argentina a lot of people do not know who the Mapuche, and what relationship exists between Benetton and South will our country?. To not end these words in minor keys, I would highlight as in this case, a bad sign stuck, the attentive eye of a photographer and the global Internet that you managed to get to this part of the text and you found out (or if knew that, once again found out of an extravagantly) that the Benetton take away the land to its original owners the Mapuche and the government is complicit and defend them instead of the interests of the governed.
In closing all I can think to give at the end of this text is a touch of hope propose you do not buy clothes brand Benetton. And if we do that, simply the rejection of the Benetton brand, perhaps those who made the poster and me I translate and "recomunico" we have fulfilled our goal: to change something. DAM

Note: This article has already been published for more than a year old Eco Magazine blog recently when we started. We think it is good to share it again so that all who did not know that ancient and ephemeral blog can view this article on Benetton.


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