Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ideas For A Pink And Black Bathroom

Loco Eco Friends and alternative

Disclaimer: The articles of "Friends of Echo" can not reflect the thinking of the members of the magazine.

"... Pedro have eaten some magic mushrooms - xibalbajokox - checked the Cholq'ij , which is the Mayan calendar unveiled Oracle then the possibility of loss and failed to conquer ... the ... contraconquista

... So were defeated Xinalbaj lords. Only by a miracle and transformation could. Alma Flor Blanca Snake begins in 1494, when Guaycaypuro burns strong Colon, who had enslaved and plundered the people of the Caribbean ... and Anacaona Guaycaypuro beat Columbus. Colon is on fire with a cross gold that turns into snakes ...

... to 1694 in Nicaragua ... Christians admit that Christianity is all a manipulative verse dictated by the Papacy, his "History" is a failure, and fail Inquisitor detached from the medieval darkness that has crucified ... say they feel frustrated without dragons Quixote, windmills spinning like crazy ... "

Xuan Pablo Gonzales

H ace a long time that the word monogamy going around in my mind and also resonates meaningless in the daily lives of many people that shape our society. Monogamy comes from Latin, mono is equal to say one and GAMIA (deer) means marriage. According to the encyclopedia , in human , monogamy is a type of relationship and sexual solely between two people, who maintain a marriage. It refers to the practice of restricting sexual contact or loving one person, for a limited period of time, after which the relationship ends to start another. Al adept at this type of relationship is called monogamous by your choice, whether or not involved in a relationship. In a simple way to explain , its meaning would be the bonding, love and sex with one person. Would result valid to say that if humans use that term as its own, it is because we apply in our lives?

Being aware of what it means to be "monogamous" do not think it feasible that we live in a monogamous society, but actually live in a society pretending to be monogamous. Clearly if someone pretends to be something, because in reality it is not. If we were monogamous beings, there would be infidelity. If not we would have been imposed on the concept of monogamy infidelity would not exist because people would be free to pursue their own human nature.

speak of human nature because there is departing the needs and desires. The desires are the most human life. If not then that psychology theory that says human beings from birth are governed by the pleasure principle, would be false too. But we all know how it works human nature. We are born, grow and age rigiéndonos always for pleasure. Could give a simple example: if a person goes to bed, turning in bed and after a while you sleep on your side, it is because that position was what gave him most pleasure, which he found more comfortable. Eating ice cream, listen to an album of classical music, lighting scented candles, bake a dessert, watch a movie, hug a friend, cherish our pets, watching a desired person, make love, are actions that are full of pleasure and for that reason abound in our daily lives.

Returning then to the main theme could monogamous say it is not a human being who feels love for a person, but having sex with more than one. But if we could say that is monogamous human being who has sex with a person, but no love for her. How much hypocrisy! Unnecessary hardship, deprived because, because somebody said it once, or two or more. Limiting horizons, each and every one of them. Limit what is limitless, which in essence was never imaginable limits. Because imagination has no limits who can be limits? Who wants to be oppressed? Many have never even asked ... It's easy to believe that we live in "Democracy" It's easy to say that no one prevents us from doing anything, if all you do is buy cars zero kilometer. Yes, there are problems, there are people living in a ball of skin problems. What should I wear today? Where are we going on vacation? Can I buy a mp3 or mp4? Do you like the extensions that I wore? "Did you meet Susana Jimenez? Came the other day at the salon "

But ... - Did I tell you to return home next to the garage, sleep a few kids who steal wallets? -

- No I knew nothing. I was just watching TV, I saw an advertisement Greenpeace to Natalia Oreiro. Can we make a quick call phone? -

- Baby, You're a fool? What Greenpeace has to do with the kids? -

- Nothing, but I can not do anything for them. See if we have problems with parents or siblings. I would not risk ... -

I conclusively that the problem is society's prejudices and fears. Fears paralyze people and repressed. People are as much to convince himself that it could raise even once in their lives, simply take as true what sold them since they can remember (if they can remember).

What kind of perverted mind created all these absurd rules with which we live? I can not, I can not, I can not. I can not culture, I should not because I can not stop thinking about what they say? What will they think? The family that denigrates you, pulls you up down low, lest it later if things go wrong you break your heart. - Then we will break your heart! - Mom says - It's your fault, you're an asshole, everything goes wrong, look what you did, look what you caused! What ask? A do not care if you're an ignorant -

Thousands repressed leading psychologists, psychiatrists, mental hospitals, satanic cults, churches with different names. Then everything comes from there. Our native cultures were not the "satanic" and said the murderers who killed millions and millions of people living in their own way in a distant continent. In fact they, the murderers, were pirates, settlers were not settlers, they were pirates, it was all a lie. Killing, raping, stealing treasures and lands (as if anyone could own the land) is not possible, does not exist this, in which we live is not a lie sustained by generations of stupid. Could it be that nobody is smart enough to know that the earth does not belong to anyone? Who the fuck told the rich absurdities that could buy the moon? Who said it's a sin to fornicate for carnal pleasure? Everything comes from there, from the European vandals. Laughing behind our backs saying who came to save, showing a flag. Imposing a religion, the religion of the oppressed. Always looking for consumerism, materialism, superficiality, the ruin of souls. For that over the years all lead us to capitalism and finally to "Globalization." With bans lethal. Forbidden pleasure, psicoactivarse prohibited, forbidden desire, forbidden to think. And how easy they made! It was quickly established a new social differentiation scales. God was there at the top of the scale. "God is a supreme being, creator of all, one who has the cosmic truth." God knows what is right and what is wrong, that is morality, ethics, also knows a lot about sexuality (he himself admitted sexual organs should not be used for pleasure, because pleasure is a sin) and told some people personally. Then some of them in different said parts of the planet earth - God gave me power, I am in charge of controlling all - many of them disappeared because there was always someone else who thought more "God" as the old and turn into dust. After the "smarter" all frightened the world with the theory of "Paradise-Hell

Undoubtedly those pirates carried out their evil plans, terribly evil. The only ones who resisted were killed or missing, the pure breeds resistant, resistant to cold, heat, hunger, who resisted far as they could before almost exterminated. I say almost exterminated because they live in some hearts, cigars, those who believe in the essence. They live in all those tribes that even today, descendants of our brothers, try to take his place. That place was taken from them. Most of the fruits of mixed races here decided that what they told us was true. Then accepted and believed, more than anything and self-surrender submitted year after year, decade after decade, second by second. Psychotic minds, macho rappers, rotten politicians, rapists, murderers ... fruits of the poisoned legacy. Many of them traumatized by the beatings, abuse, family violence. Aryan race "Race Why? Nazism, Peronism, is all the same. Color discrimination. We colored and someone also said that white is the best, because God is of that color. White Were the pirates? Everything changed, everything changed, manipulated. We are manipulated from the start. Who said that whites are better? Who said a white person ... what?

I believe in loyalty, love, in love, pleasure. We can not condemn us in life, suppressing the deepest desires within us, in our guts, who want to enjoy. No one can say he hates the pleasure, the pleasure we all love and live for him. Even those people living repressed materialistic and based on pleasure and looking for him. But not buy the most expensive car or television, not even food. There would be such a high obesity Why? Because most obese people are due to uncontrollable addiction to food addiction that makes them weak and vulnerable. Nor would people addicted to certain situations that cause an increase of adrenaline in their bodies. That's what they wanted, weak, malleable, without character or personality. Drivers and controladitos (As one beautiful Tinquirito)

Being addicted to any substance is "Mortal Sin" I laugh and laugh in their faces, "Sin" "I have sinned, what a great sin" Addictions are caused by our brain that feels pleasure every time we consume certain substances. We need pleasure to live. And then we should be clear that we come to the world through pleasure. Are part of it, he born, we grow with him and to procreate with him.

Can we say that we can control our desires? Is it the desire to avoid feeling? Why close our minds to believe that only one person is the totality? Why get married and have children and keep house? Why be an "exemplary father" (who works in the office and every night before going to dinner is unfaithful to his wife) and display an image? Why be afraid to masturbate? Why not shout to the world that I like the people of the same sex? Why not be naked in front of strangers? Why not express our ideas? Why give rise to conformity? Why say "I can not? Why put a name to it? Why do I have to have a reason to say that I'm in love with life? Why be afraid of diversity? Why not explore every part of our bodies, of our nakedness? Why feel guilt for any sexual act that causes us pleasure? What is normal? What? Who has the truth of normality? Why deny our nature?

Freedom is a word which has its own definition, freedom is the natural power of man to act according to his will. State is not a slave or not in jail. National independence, ability to govern themselves. Prerogative license. Familiarity, extremely easy, ease to make a play. But today and for years now, freedom is qualified. Freedom is on "probation." Because to do what you please, you first have to pay. Freedom is being able to choose life, choose all the time, every time. From there, everyone is who decides, who chooses. If we free ourselves, that way we will be able to clear the faults and the banners. We will be able to live as we please (trying to pay less attention to these unfair limits within which we live) and let it flow. Losing nervous tension, bad times, the bitter, individual and collective schizophrenia.

would be good to try to work our ability to restart, to forget what we were told, what is already etched in our skulls like blank cassettes or CDs. If someone could write something about them, you can also delete the recording has failed ever since. Re-educate ourselves and do not cause diseases in our children. Not to do what we did. Because for me the past does not determine truth, only condition when we ourselves wish to condition us. There are no past, no future, is a continuous present. Today is always and every day is different, every day has a special energy.

Love is the foundation of everything and is the most pleasant feeling of all. The love exists and goes beyond all bondage, free love may be real, because there is nothing we can not do if we decide. Our soul mate is out there, circling, waiting as anxiously as each of us. Blessed are those who already have found. Blessed are those who do not believe in "soul mate" and therefore do not seek it. Blessed are those who laugh, who cry, those who love life and love themselves in nature. Deleting the name, so vain that they chose us, our parents decided was appropriate. "Appropriate? Nothing can condemn us, even our name. For me, not to discover or find the essence, within, deep inside, is repressed. Then: Is the correct term is Monogamy or Repression?

always clear, speaking "from the subjective" ...


This article was written by one of our friends in the magazine, in this case Mariela. We want you to know that we are open to publishing articles that you send us, if they are in "wave" of what we disseminate. Also it is clear that items friends may or may not coincide with what is thought from the magazine.


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